2nd June 2021
Campaign Update - 2nd June 2021
Firstly a huge thank you to those who have donated to the fund so far, this is an encouraging start. However more funding will be required in preparation for stage 2 of the planning process, therefore if you can donate please do.
This week a meeting took place with a Planning Consultant, discussing what will be required and legislation of planning, to which we await the proposed plan and final costs. The Planning Consultant will help guide us through the planning process. We also need funds to buy expert advice and evidence that we will need to support our arguments against this development, particularly on traffic and environmental issues. Without detailed and evidenced argument we cannot hope to put forward the best possible case against this development. So please, please donate. If every home in the Parish donated £20, we will reach the target sum we need.
As the campaign moves forward, the aim is to raise awareness. You may have already spotted the new banners around the village. In the next few weeks posters and flyers will be produced and distributed.

We are pleased to announce that we now have two chair people, Fiona MacCallum and Peter Spours, Tim Slatford stepped down as chairperson this week due to an increase in work commitments, however he will continue to be a member of the group and we thank him for all he has done.
How you can help:
- Donate what you can
Account name: Bucklebury Parish Council
Account Number: 01688915
Sort Code: 30-95-89
For reference please include your name or Thatcham North East if you prefer to remain anonymous or you can send a cheque, made payable to Bucklebury Parish Council.
- Display a banner or poster
If you have access/permission to a prime location with lots of passing traffic or footfall please email [email protected].
- We are looking for volunteers for leaflet distributors
If you can help again please email [email protected] as we will be looking to allocate a distribution location to each volunteer.
Thank you for your support!
The Working Group