The Victory Room
The Victory Room in the heart of Bucklebury village, plus the land it sits on, was conveyed to the local community in the will of Dame Nina Katherine Webley Parry Pryse, a Bucklebury resident who died in 1917. A committee of volunteer trustees was set up to look after the Victory Room, ensuring the hall was maintained for everyone's benefit.
Over the years the hall has been used for all sorts of gatherings, and in the early days, some evenings were reserved for men or women only! Today it's used by local scouts, cubs, guides and brownies, art classes, as a polling place during elections, for various committee and public meetings, family parties, the local football teams, church functions, entertaining events organised by the trustees, and more.
In recent years the old hall has been extensively refurbished and extended to provide a stunning new hall, a committee room (the Remembrance Room) and a modern kitchen.
For more information on the Victory Room see their website.

For information on the availability of the hall, please contact John and Julie Brims:
Tel: 0118 971 3308