30th July 2021
Campaign Update - 30th July 2021

Firstly, our thanks go out to Dave Parsons for his efforts with putting together a distillation of all the Stage 1 responses. Dave took all the letters that were sent through to WBC and copied to Facebook, Bucklebury Parish etc, and sifted through them all to find any points that had not been put forward by the Parish Council or the consultant. The relevant points will be fed into our research and on to the consultant. Thank you, Dave, this will be a huge help.
Secondly, we have been distributing the leaflets around Bucklebury over the past week. Huge thanks go out to our wonderful team of volunteers who have been so generous with their time to get these delivered so quickly and efficiently.
The delivery of leaflets will be extended to Midgham, Cold Ash and Thatcham; we have some volunteers for these areas however we do need some more. If you can offer to help, please email [email protected] and we will add you to the list of volunteers. Similarly, if you have already volunteered and you are happy to do another delivery outside of your immediate area, please do let us know.
Lastly, has anyone received a reply from Laura Farris? Please let the group know if you receive a response.
If you haven’t written your objection letter yet, please do………. you have a right to be heard and your opinion counts – SO GET WRITING!
Some points you may want to raise could be:
- Why not develop Brownfield sites instead of Greenfield?
- Why is the housing requirement on WBC so high, especially in light of recent comments about ‘levelling up’ across the country?
- When and where is the public meeting you mentioned?
- Biodiversity gains on the farmland surrounding the AONB will not compensate for irreparable damage to ancient woodlands and the Common
- Increased traffic will bring pollution, damage to the rural setting of country lanes, communities and fragile ecosystems
Thank you, as always, for your continued support.
The Working Group