Pang Valley Flood Forum
Our website has an excellent new dashboard:
This shows the current and forecast weather, centred on Yattendon. This can be useful as it indicates the potential amount of rain that is going to fall. Note that this supplements the Flood Forecasting Centre warnings that appear on our main webpage and the river dashboard, when the FFC issues a warning that includes West Berkshire.

Recent WBC Scrutiny Commission (Special) - Wednesday 11 October 2023
Thames Water and Environment Agency
Purpose: To review matters relating to the activities of Thames Water and the Environment Agency that affect West Berkshire.
In relation to Thames Water, the review will seek to:
- understand what has been done since the last scrutiny review in September 2022 to address issues associated with sewage discharges affecting local watercourses;
- what other investment has been carried out to improve the existing fresh and foul water infrastructure in West Berkshire;
- confirm what additional investment is planned to address known problems with fresh and foul water infrastructure in the District; and
- seek assurance over progress in upgrading fresh and foul water infrastructure to support major developments in the District.
In relation to the Environment Agency, the review will seek to:
- understand the role of the Environment Agency in terms of monitoring water quality in our watercourses; and
- understand the powers available to the Environment Agency to take enforcement against pollution by the water companies, and what action has been taken against Thames Water in recent years.
Additional documents: