9th June 2021
Campaign Update - 9th June 2021
Good News! Thatcham Town Council have agreed they will focus on the effects of traffic this proposed plan will have not only on them, but us too. This reduces the costs we need to bear in terms of expert advice and evidence. We will concentrate on environment, pollution, planning process and legal aspects, all of which will need expertise and detailed evidence to support our arguments.
An environmental study has recently been carried out showing wildlife numbers on the proposed site and there are a staggering 89 species within a 2km radius that are potentially threatened.
Thank you to those that have offered to leaflet drop and display banners, this will help to continue to raise awareness and keep up the momentum we need to oppose the NE Thatcham Development Plan. We still need more volunteers for the leaflet delivering, so please do come forward even if you can only spare an hour. We hope to start distributing by the end of the month. Please email [email protected] with your offer of help.
So far the total amount of money raised is £4,660 and again, our huge thanks go out to all those who have donated so far. We have a notional target of £12,000 based on quotes we have received from the expert consultants we believe we need to engage if we are to put forward the best possible arguments against this proposed development. This could be a conservative estimate if a legal battle ensues. If you haven't donated yet please, please donate what you can, however large or small, every pound (and penny!) will help.
What is the fundraising for?
- A planning consultant to respond to the second draft of the local plan.
- An environmental consultant to address the issues around the proposed site being adjacent to the North Wessex Downs Area Of Natural Beauty, the impact on nature conservation and the erosion of the gap between the town of Thatcham and the village of Bucklebury
- Legal representation at the examination stage of the plan.

These photos are of the building site by Vodafone on the A339. There are two sites either side of the A339 totalling just over 400 homes - tiny in comparison to the proposed NE Thatcham development. This is what we will have instead of green fields.
How does the future look for our community?
- Local GP Surgeries will not be able to cope with the increase in patients, which may mean Drop-In Centres at West Berks Hospital or shopping centres.
- With the additional primary schools on the new development, how will a small village primary school be graded for funding? If our local primary school closes as a result of the development, what will happen to the site?
- With the increase in traffic, how will this affect your journey to work? Imagine access to Junction 12 of the M4 with the further five developments at Theale, Calcot and Woolhampton in addition to NE Thatcham. Consider also the impact on the level crossing at Thatcham station, the approach to Thatcham at Floral Way and the narrow country roads. This will add time to your daily commute and make the roads increasingly dangerous for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians.
- The local greenspaces will be destroyed. Despite the proposal including a country park, the increase in traffic, light pollution and the destruction of wildlife habitats will seriously impact the native 89 species that currently live on the site.
- The risk of flooding: £7.5 million pounds has been spent on flood alleviation. How much more of tax payers' money will be required to prevent further flooding as a result of the NE Thatcham site being covered in concrete?
If you feel as strongly as we do about this proposed development, please help us to engage the people who can help us fight this battle.
If every household in the Parish donated something to our fighting pot, we stand a much better chance of mounting a persuasive, evidence-based and ultimately, winning argument against this proposed development.
You can donate by Bank transfer:
Account name: Bucklebury Parish Council
Account Number: 01688915
Sort Code: 30-95-89
For reference please include your name or Thatcham North East if you prefer to remain anonymous
Or you can write a cheque, made payable to Bucklebury Parish Council and send it to:
Helen Pratt, Clerk to Bucklebury Parish Council
Jasmine Cottage
Byles Green
Upper Bucklebury
Reading RG7 6SD
Thank you all for your continued support. Please email [email protected] as we will be looking to allocate a distribution location to each volunteer.
The Working Group