Bucklebury Guides

1st Bucklebury Guides meet weekly during term-time (at The Victory Room) to do various fun activities such as crafts, cooking, badges, games and much more. Outside of the normal meeting times we often do other activities / events such as helping the community, fund-raising, trips, holidays and camps.
1st Bucklebury Guides existed in the 1950's, but closed in the 1990's due to a lack of adult volunteers. The unit was re-opened in 2009 and has since gone from strength to strength.
Guides is a section of Girlguiding UK for girls aged 10-14. The programme is designed to be 'girl-led' to encourage various lifeskills, broaden interests and awareness of self and others.
The programme is divided into six themes:
- Know Myself
- Express Myself
- Be Well
- Have Adventures
- Take Action
- Skills for my Future
Guides work towards completing each theme through “skills builders” activities, unit meeting activities and completing interest badges at home to share with the unit. If they achieve all six theme awards then they receive a Gold Challenge Award at the end of their time in Guides.
Within the unit the girls work together in small groups called patrols where they are encouraged to chose and carry out activities of their own choice, with adult support, as well as choosing from those available in the programme. We learn a lot about the world, each other and ourselves but mostly we have great fun!
If you would like more information about the Guide programme please visit the Girlguiding UK website.
Interested in joining us, or are you an adult who could spare one night a week or fortnight to help?
If so, then please e-mail Vicky Pratt at [email protected]